Tips when you want to travel the world as your own further investment

When you decide to travel around the world for whatever reason you have, you need to have “courage“. I live in Japan, which is totally isolated geographically from any other countries. Thus, Japanese people have developed an island spirit, which “justifies” their not going to explore the world before they take actions even though they would love to. They are brain-washed by all the media and information scattered around us. I do not remember how many articles I have read of how awesome Japan is, and every single time I read one I got a feeling that I should stay in Japan. However, it is not the way I am built.  I always want to travel around the world and see different cultures and societies, which might be more suitable to me than the society that I am currently stuck in.

I am still 22 years old; there is whole future a head of me. It is alright to stick around Japan for another 40 years and when I retire from work, I can travel around the world. However, am I supposed to be here for another such a long period of time, thinking about unrealized dreams all day long? Not really, alright then, what am I to do?  Am I supposed go ahead and leave Japan, archiving what I want to do? It is still questionable.

I have been to the U.S twice and spent more than 2 years there, and I have already noticed that the U.S is a much more suitable and comfortable place for me to be than Japan is. I am not saying this just because I look down on people who have never been abroad nor whatnot. There are a lot of people who have been to the U.S, and I have talked to them a lot, and the truth is that most of the people told me that their experience of being in the U.S was all great, but at the end of the day, they found Japan a more relaxing place for them to stay whereas I found the U.S to be a more comfortable place for me to stay.

However, I believe that there might be more comfortable places for me to live, and I would like to know if there is such a place on earth.

Do I have to wait another 40 years thinking about it? Or can I take action now and find out my “right” place and live there working.

Alright, so far, it sounds like a far-fetched story everyone has listened to at least once before in their lives. It is true that you have to think about the future, money, and job prospects while traveling. This is surely the hard work, and thus people usually do not do this since it is too risky, at least up in their heads. You might be thinking about others working at a company back in your country while traveling. You might get depressed since you do not make any money while traveling whereas your friends back in your country already started to earn money for their own ideal future such as having kids, having a family and so forth. However, I would love to say, do not worry about anything like that at this point.

Here are tips you should know before traveling around the world for years, and even when you have to go back to your country, you should still be happy about your decisions and be confident in yourself.

1. Reshape your reason for why you want to travel around the world. 

This is the most important part of moving your feet forward to go out of your country. Why do you want to travel around the world? What do you want to archive? You maybe just want to find someone to get married to, and he/she is supposed to be someone outside of your nationality.  You maybe want to travel around the world and take pictures of beautiful scenes as much as you can and be a photographer. There are a lot of motivations that encourage you to keep yourself moving. Thus, define your motivation to know your reason to be out there, and differentiate what you are going to do from what just another tourist will do such as sightseeing, visiting their friends or just spending a lot of money to buy cloths and eat luxury foods there.

2. You have to have courage and believe in yourself. 

To travel around the world might be taken as just a hobby or childish by people in that you are not contributing to  society, or you are not making any money and just doing it because you love to do. It is true and these are tough things to acknowledge, especially when someone who has been working for more than 20 years in a society. However, you have to tell yourself that you are doing this because you are built this way, and that is the way you find passion in yourself. No one shares the same ideas when it comes to what they want to achieve in their lives. But after all, you have to have courage to make the first step into the world. This is that hardest part. It is said that we need to have 80% courage, and 20 % idea when you start something new.  Once you take the small steps, yet the most important step, you will be fine the rest of the way.

3. Have something you love to do and you can develop during traveling which later might  be your financial resource.

This is related to the first tip mentioned already, notwithstanding, if you think about traveling around the world as your own investment for the future, you have to know what exactly you want to accomplish in the end. For example, if you love to write and share the ideas of different people, societies you could decide to travel around the world. Your gut tells you that travel is the best way to do this.

The next thing you would like to do is set up your own blog or establish your own company to make it much more easy to spread your published pieces to the world which might bring you benefits down the road.

This is just another example, but there is a lot of ways to accomplish your mission. However, at the end of the day, it is critically important to have something you are good at and by traveling around the world, you can accomplish what you started.

4. Listen to others and then ignore them.

This is one of the hardest parts since all the people who care about you tell you not to do it anyway in the first place because it is a risky action to take when it comes to building your future. People tell you all sorts of things such as ” you should not do it/ you should wait” and so on. And everything they say to you would be mostly right on the normal societal standard. Notwithstanding, you are not normal, you are a different breed. You do not fit the typical standard – all you need is to ignore the others. It is your life. It does not matter how long your parents have been raising you or how long your friends have been sticking with you through all the tough times.

It is hard to ignore them, but you know that you are feeling something rebellious against all the advices going through your veins. All  I can tell you is just follow your belief.

5. Find people who are going to support you and encourage to do so

On your way to accomplish something great, you need to have courage to cut all the unnecessary ties with others, and find someone who is supportive of your idea since they can help you more than those who say something against your idea. And it always works if you have a close friend who shares the same beliefs and ambitions.

People cannot accomplish things by themselves typically. If they can, they are well rounded and talented. Even the king of pop “Michael Jackson” could not have achieved such things if there had been nobody to back him up.

6. Think about money while you are traveling 

You have to think about how to make money while being out of society. You might be working on the things you want to do to make money later, however, if you are not still in the position where you can get money out of it, you have to think about other finical sources to keep moving around the world.  Thanks  to advanced technology nowadays, there are tons of thing you can do to make money in your free time such as writing a blog for someone or being a freelancer. You can have bit of money, but it is better than nothing to live.


These 6 tips are most essential yet difficult to follow, however if you want to do this truly, then you do not have to hesitate.


This is a side story, but when you get on airplane, please listen to flight attendants well, please. Here is Advice I can give to you for your won safety on an airplane.


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